ABSA Productions - produccion de video en Chicago.
Drawing on over twenty years of success in the television and video industries, Yamil Ahuile founded ABSA Productions in 1999. In response to a need for high quality commercial and corporate video production in Chicago, ABSA Productions combines Emmy-winning production value with exceptional market savvy, client service, and the ability to recognize and appeal to both general and specific target demographics. During the more than eight years ABSA Productions has expanded and thrived in Chicago, it has also become a leader in reaching the growing Latino market and serving the local, national and international Spanish-speaking communities.
ABSA Productions -
Film | Video | Multimedia
Address =
125 N. Halsted, Suite 201
Chicago, IL 60661
phone = 312.382.1029
fax = 312.382.1068
cell = 312.218.2272 cell
Website = http://absaproductions.com