This message will be very short, because the most important news this month is the BINGO which will take place on Saturday, April 26, 2008 at Westland Middle School in 5511 Massachusetts Ave., Bethesda, MD 20816 from 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. Check out the attached flyer and forward it to your family, friends, neighbors, Church, workplace, etc. It will be great fun! And there will be fantastic prizes as in previous years. We will also sell some Chilean specialties that we brought from Chile.Get ready for a good time!
If you wish to make a contribution to help cover costs for this event, remember that it is tax deductible
Remember! Now you can make Donations Online. You can make your membership payments (or much larger contributions!) by credit card directly through our web page -- and you will automatically receive a confirmation for tax and accounting purposes. Share this news with friends, colleagues, and family for any and all donations.
See you at the Bingo, April 26!
M. Teresa Soto-Aguilar