Home > Native trees Honey - Chilean Gourmet 250G (8.8oz) (Sold Out!!)
Native trees Honey - Chilean Gourmet 250G (8.8oz) (Sold Out!!)
Product Description
Native trees Honey: Miel de muchas flores provenientes de árboles de bosque nativo chileno como : Robles, Raulies, Canelos, Arrayanes, Alfalfa chilota y muchos más. Esta miel tiene un gran carácter y un color más dorado
con una textura también cremosa.
Surrounded by native forests, pure water brooks in organic conditions, this 100% pure and exquisite honey was collected through a delicate manual process, still present since our ancestors.
No preservants, no additives, no artificial flavours neither temperature intervention in any step of the filling of our glass jars with this unique like creamy texture Chilean Honey.
An incredible source of high-end nutrition coming directly to your house from the southern region of the Araucania in Chile.
100% pure Poliflower Honey is produced by our beehives located within native forest trees in the Araucania Region in Chile.
Millenary Species like: Coigües, Robles, Raulí, Arrayanes, Canelos, Tepas and Araucarias; all growing under sustainable conditions for their preservation.
It has a perfect golden color, consistency that sits between liquid and whipped and a sharp sweet taste that ends with a delicate floral finish.